Netra Tarpan Treatment


Netra Tarpan

Netra Tarpan is an Ayurvedic eye care treatment that involves nourishing and rejuvenating the eyes using medicated ghee. It helps relieve eye strain, dryness, and allergies while promoting eye health and vision clarity. Warm medicated ghee is poured into a dough reservoir created around the eyes, providing a soothing and lubricating effect. Skilled Ayurvedic therapists perform this treatment to address various eye conditions and enhance overall well-being. It should be administered under the guidance of a qualified practitioner for safety and effectiveness. Netra Tarpan aims to restore and maintain optimal eye health naturally.

The Benefits of Netra Tarpan treatment include :

Relieves eye strain and fatigue : Netra Tarpan helps to reduce eye strain caused by prolonged screen time, reading, or other activities that require intense focus. It provides relaxation to the eye muscles and helps alleviate eye fatigue.

Nourishes and lubricates the eyes : The warm medicated ghee used in Netra Tarpan nourishes and lubricates the eyes, providing relief from dryness and discomfort. It helps to maintain optimal eye moisture and prevents dry eye symptoms.

Improves vision clarity : Netra Tarpan treatment can help improve vision clarity by rejuvenating the eye tissues and promoting better visual acuity. It enhances the overall health of the eyes and supports clear and sharp vision.

Addresses eye conditions : Netra Tarpan is beneficial for various eye conditions such as dry eyes, eye allergies, conjunctivitis, and computer vision syndrome. It can provide soothing relief and assist in the management of these conditions.

Promotes eye health and longevity : Regular Netra Tarpan sessions can contribute to long-term eye health and prevent age-related degenerative eye conditions. It nourishes the eye tissues, strengthens the eye muscles, and supports the overall well-being of the eyes.

Relaxation and stress reduction : Netra Tarpan treatment is not only beneficial for the eyes but also promotes relaxation and reduces stress. The soothing and therapeutic nature of the treatment helps calm the mind and provides a sense of overall well-being.
